Top 20 Sushi Influencers in 2025

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Sushi Influencers

Here are Top 20 Sushi Influencers

1. Taku

Bio #outdoorcheflifePREORDER MY COOKBOOK👇Available world wide ****@smallscreenmarketing.comInstagram Handle @outdoorcheflifeInstagram Followers 244.3KType MacroGender Male Get Email Contact

2. Hiroyuki Terada

Bio YouTube Celebrity Chef 2M+ SubsGuinness World Record w/ @gordongram Brands @nissanusa @bakkafrost @knifemerchant ****@gmail.comInstagram Handle @diariesofamastersushichefInstagram Followers 90.6KType MicroGender Male + Follow Get Email Contact

3. Barbara Yamashita

Bio 📍Tampa Fl 🇺🇸🇯🇵🇧🇷Japanese Brazilian fusion cuisine in your home. 🍣Traditional and 🌱Vegan 📲WhatsApp/text msg 813 724 8425Instagram Handle @chef.barbarayamashitaInstagram Followers 63.2KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

4. Serghei Mitrofan

Bio @sushi__drive 📜Certificado Proficiência 📍PORTUGAL 🇵🇹Instagram Handle @sushi_chef_sergiuInstagram Followers 56.3KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

5. Chef Nick

Bio 🍣 Sushi Sensei since '05 🧑🏽‍🍳Rocking the Executive Chef Hat 🏆 Restaurant management Pro🍽️Creating Sushi Magic 🍱 Let's Roll!🍻Instagram Handle @chefnickazInstagram Followers 44.1KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

6. Kimiyasu Enya

Bio ◼︎Owner chef "Sushi Enya"@sushienya.official 📍DTLA,Pasadena,Beverly,MarinaDelRay,Sawtelle#sushienya #chefenya #sushishow ・・Book your table 🍣🥢・・ ****@sushienya.usInstagram Handle @chefenyaInstagram Followers 44KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

7. Mr. Law Sushi

Bio 🍣 | Sushi sob Encomenda em São José do Rio Preto👨🏾‍🍳 | Sushiman para Festas e Eventos.🔗 | Faça Pedido e Orçamentos Pelo Link 👇🏽🔪 | Cursos ****@gmail.comInstagram Handle @mr.lawsushiInstagram Followers 29.7KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

8. Sergei

Bio 🍱Generous portions/1100+ story reviews👨‍🍳Professional Chef-Sergei💻Order via website,DMs/Call 📞🚘Delivery in London & outside🌏We speak🇬🇧🇷🇺🇲🇩🇧🇬🇷🇴🇺🇦 ****@gmail.comInstagram Handle @sushi_boom_londonInstagram Followers 22.4KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

9. Traveling Sushi Blogger

Bio 🍚 to meet you!🥢 here to share top sushi spots & sushi-inspired cuisine🫶 Subscribe for sushi locations and exclusive contentInstagram Handle @topsushiblogInstagram Followers 21.3KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

10. Paweł Trzaskowski

Bio 📩 **** #pawełtrzaskowski szef kuchni @daidokoro_konstancinInstagram Handle @sushi_chefpawelInstagram Followers 19.1KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

11. Hama

Bio サラリーマンでも食べられるお鮨屋さん🍣をランチ中心で食べ歩いてます❗️お鮨屋さん🍣からのDMもお待ちしてます‼️趣味は鮨🍣と登山⛰️とランニング🏃とウォーキング🚶‍♀️富士山は20回登頂⛰日本百名山は30座登頂⛰ 17歳2ヶ月と19日で天国に旅立った愛娘のくるみ(チワワ)🐕には感謝感謝💕😘Instagram Handle @sushiro_hamaInstagram Followers 16.8KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

12. Osushi-kun

Bio \お鮨が大好きな飲兵衛サラリーマン /〈新規開拓〉累積204軒〈お鮨探訪〉25年11軒(2月26日現在)〈お鮨歴史〉22〜24年287軒サブ垢▶︎ @chahan_architectInstagram Handle @sushi_architectInstagram Followers 11.1KType MicroGender Male Get Email Contact

13. David Castro Ribeiro

Bio Itamae San 🥋🔪 Chef GoianoSP 🔁 MTMOTIVE SE 🙏🏻Gym Life 💪🏻Instagram Handle @ochefcasttrodavidInstagram Followers 5.2KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

14. Felipe Fortis Arisio Marko

Bio Explorador gastronômico apaixonado pela culinária japonesa. 🍣✨Compartilhando as melhores criações e técnicas. Junte-se à minha jornada! HamadayaSushi👇Instagram Handle @felipefortisInstagram Followers 3.2KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

15. Ricardo Pereira

Bio Family ❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Executive sushi chef at @grupolagopt @restaurantelagopt @otoshi.ptInstagram Handle @ricardopereirasushimanInstagram Followers 2.4KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

16. Reginaldo Uekita

Bio Evento - Personal Chef Encomendas - Barca com sushi sashimi e Pratos especiais 🥢Consultoria 📍Tupã SP e região ****@gmail.comInstagram Handle @chefreginaldouekitaInstagram Followers 2.1KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

17. Paulo Muller

Bio ****@gmail.comInstagram Handle @chefpaulomullerInstagram Followers 1.7KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

18. Yakov Kim

Bio 🍱 Novikov Москва👨‍🍳HEAD SUSHI-CHEF ****@mail.ruInstagram Handle @chef_yakov_kim_Instagram Followers 1.3KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

19. Achilleas Chapsas

Bio Sushi chef @mamaloukachalkidiki @seazonbeachouse @clock_food_cocktail_bar Dm for collaborations or sushi menus ➪@chap___cookingInstagram Handle @axilleas_chInstagram Followers 1.3KType NanoGender Male Get Email Contact

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